
Prakahsgold Finance

Prakahsgold Finance CRM is a software solution designed to facilitate the smooth and efficient management of business operations for Prakahsgold Finance personnel. Admins and managers utilize this system to oversee various functions including gold loans, purchases, sales, customer management, alerts, and customer blacklisting. With its user-friendly interface, the CRM simplifies operations, ensuring clarity and ease of handling while maintaining accuracy and efficiency.

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Project Overview

The Prakahsgold Finance CRM is designed to streamline business operations for personnel, consisting of two primary components:

  • CRM: Serving as the hub for all business operations, admins and managers can efficiently handle tasks such as loan creation and management, gold and jewellery purchasing and sales, customer management, sending alert messages, and viewing reports. Additionally, admin users have the capability to manage other CRM users and control their access.
  • Customer-Facing Website: This primary website serves as the main point of interaction for customers, providing information about Prakahsgold Finance's services and facilitating customer outreach. In addition to details about the business, the website also offers information on buying and loan rates, including explanations of interest calculations for various loan amounts. Customers can utilize the "Contact Us" page to communicate with Prakahsgold Finance for further inquiries and assistance.

A Glance


The existing system the client was using to manage their operations suffered from a number of issues. Firstly, the system relied heavily on manual processes with an inefficient flow, which made it difficult to handle the operations. Furthermore, the system’s performance was not good, with slow response times, frequent crashes, in delaying productivity.

Also, the UI was non-intuitive and complex to understand, which meant that the users struggled to navigate the system, impacting their overall experience. Another issue was that despite extensive operations, the system lacked robust reporting capabilities. This absence of data-driven insights hindered strategic decision-making.

In summary, the existing system posed significant challenges, from manual work to poor performance and usability issues. Addressing these pain points was crucial for an improved software solution.

prakahs challenges


Upon recognizing the client's concerns, our first step was to establish a specialized team solely dedicated to advancing the platform's development for a gold loan finance company. Simultaneously, we aimed to ensure that the flow for the system is a simplified and intuitive one to make it easy to use and understand by the client for their operations.

Additionally, we established a well-structured pipeline to maintain high standards of code quality and adhere to best practices throughout the development process. Our goal was to uphold excellence and reliability in our work, ensuring the platform's long-term success and sustainability.

We also recognized the importance of user experience in driving platform satisfaction. To improve this, we provided UI/UX expertise to redesign the application's interface and interaction. Our goal was to make the platform easier to use and more intuitive, resulting in happier and more engaged users.

prakahs Solutions

Services We Provided

  • Development Support:

Since our initial engagement with the client, we have been committed to providing comprehensive development support, keeping best practices in mind. As the application grew in scale, our team of experienced developers offered expertise in both frontend and backend development.

  • UI/UX:

Another aspect of the application we have worked on is the UI/UX of the platform. The main requirement here was to revamp the UI/UX of the platform in order to increase engagement and make it more intuitive.

  • Project Management:

Streamline processes and ensure timely delivery in alignment with client requirements, we extended project management support. This facilitates effective coordination within our team and with the client, maintaining efficiency throughout the development lifecycle.

  • Managed Cloud:

Apart from the services mentioned above, we also manage and monitor their cloud servers on

App Modules

Customer Module:

1. Create and manage customers

2. Manage Customer Details

3. Create and manage loans

4. Manage blacklisted customers

5. Create and manage purchase

6. Edit customer details

7. Create and manage notes

8. Overall activity logs

Loan Module:

1. Create and Manage loans

2. Manage loan details

3. Create loan draft

4. Manage principle payments

5. Manage interest payments

6. Manage loan status

7. View and download Pawn Ticket

8. Create and manage notes

9. Overall activity logs

Purchase Module:

1. Create and Manage purchases

2. Manage purchase details

3. Edit purchase details

4. Create purchase draft

5. Manage purchase reports

6. Download purchase status

Sell Module:

1. Create and Manage sales

2. Manage sale details

3. Edit sale details

4. Create sale draft

5. Manage sale status

6. Download Sale reports

Message Module:

1. Manage message templates

2. Edit message templates

3. View received messages

4. View sent messages

5. Create new customer from received message

Reporting Module:

1. View and Download Cash Flow Projection Report

2. View and Download Debtor Report

3. Select and Send alert messages to debtors

4.View and Download Loan Revenue Report

5. View and Download Customer Analysis Report

6. Download Current Payments Pending Report

Settings Module:

1. View and edit Gold Buying and Pawning Rates

2. View and edit Loan Rates

3. View and manage Suburbs

4.Create and manage users

70+ More Features

Advanced Features & Integration

  • Extensive Reports

 To enhance decision-making, having access to necessary data is crucial. We've incorporated various reports tailored to meet client specifications. Users can filter data using available options and download reports as spreadsheets, enabling them to retrieve and utilize data as required.

  • Camera support

In the past, the client had to navigate through a complex procedure to upload images for customers, loan items, and documents, which required multiple steps. To simplify this, we've integrated a functionality within the system that enables users to easily access the camera for capturing and uploading images.

  • Capturing signature via trackpad

To ensure solid confirmation from both the customer and the client for invoices and pawn tickets, we've integrated a feature into the system allowing users to capture signatures. This enables direct addition of signatures to invoices/tickets without the need for printing and then processing it.

  • Messaging capability

 A key feature of our system is its ability to send and receive messages from clients. This functionality supports both email and SMS, providing clients with the flexibility to choose their preferred communication method. This ensures that clients can send messages according to their needs and preferences.

Our Process & Approach

  • Daily Scrum

We conduct daily scrum meetings within our team to provide updates on current plans and address any roadblocks encountered.

  • Weekly Reporting

Regular communication with the client ensures they are informed of progress and any issues that may arise, allowing for timely resolution.

  • Approach Creation

We develop robust and scalable approaches for new features or issues, prioritizing expectations, best practices, and user experience. Thorough research guides our solutions.

  • Communication

Active communication is vital, and we utilize platforms like Rocket and Skype to manage projects and facilitate discussions with clients.

  • Continuous Support:

We provide 24/7 support, monitoring servers and aligning our efforts with the project owner's goals.

Tech Stack








Ruby on Rails




Cloud Flare

Amazon S3

Amazon S3







Let’s Encrypt

Let’s Encrypt

Project Status

Bluebash continues to focus on improving this application as we build CRM Solution for gold buyers while it is currently in use. We continue to work on the application to provide the desired outcome to the client.

project report


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